
Dracōville University has a world-renowned science department. We offer classes not found at any other university, and offer classes more useful than those elsewhere.

Scientiæ Nātūralēs (Natural Sciences)

Astrologia (Astrology)

Astrology studies the stars and planets in their orbits around Earth, and how they affect your daily life. It is roughly equivalent to astronomy classes at other universities, but more useful. Astronomy just studies the stars, while astrology shows how they affect your life.

Astronomy is directly based on astrological knowledge acquired at Dracōville University. The astronomers however got many things wrong, such as the law of universal gravitation. Here is the correct wording:

Every astrological body exerts a gravity upon the lives of each person on Earth.

Doctor Tort, Professor of Astrology

Alchemia (Alchemy)

Alchemy is similar to chemistry, but far more useful. How would you like to be able to turn any metal into gold? The dragons certainly would like to, and can using alchemy. This is in fact the basis for the Dracōville economy.

Scientiæ Sociālēs (Social Sciences)

Dīvīnātiō (Divination)

Divination is the study of future events. Other universities offer classes in history, but why learn history when you can predict the future? To dragons, who are immortal, the past and present are just about the same. But the future is different.

This class uses advanced technology such as tarot cards to find out what will happen in the future, and is recommended for those taking classes in magic.

Lēx Magica (Magical Law)

Magical Law is the system of laws established by witches and wizards to regulate the use of magic. It is enforced by the witches and wizards using unpleasant curses, including death spells.