Dracōville University, or Universitas Dracōvillis, is the only university in The City-State of Dracōville. The University offers courses and sports relevant to dragons and wizards.
Curricula (Courses)
Scientiæ Nātūralēs (Natural Sciences)
- Astrologia (Astrology)-Astrology studies the stars and planets in their orbits around Earth, and how they affect your daily life. It is roughly equivalent to astronomy classes at other universities.
- Doctor Tort, Profesor of Astrology
- Alchemia (Alchemy)
Scientiæ Sociālēs (Social Sciences)
- Dīvīnātiō (Divination)-Divination is the study of future events.
- Lēx Magica (Magical Law)-Magical Law is the system of laws established by witches and wizards to regulate the use of magic. It is enforced by the witches and wizards using unpleasant curses, including death spells.
Matēmaticæ (Mathematics)
- Geōmetria Græca (Greek Geometry)
- Arithmētica Prīma et Efectiō Abacōrum (Basic Arithmetic and Abacus Use)-This class explains the useful skills required for basic arithmetic, including the correct operation of abicī.
Linguæ (Languages)
- Lingua Recēns (Modern Language i.e. Anglo Saxon)
- Græcus Antīquus (Ancient Greek)
Artēs Magicæ (Magical Arts)
- Magīa Alba (White Magic)-White magic is a form of magic that harms no one. It is not very useful, as making a real difference to the universe adversely affects at least one person. Proficiency in White Magic is requrired to take more advanced magic classes.
- Magīa Cana (Gray Magic)
- Magīa Nigra (Black Magic)
Lūdī (Sports)
Lūdī Perīculōsī (Dangerous Sports) - The dangerous sports are the safest at Dracōville. They are not meant to be fatal, but they do often result in death.
- Vēnātus (Hunting)
- Ars Sagittandi (Archery)
Lūdī Mortiferī (Fatal Sports) - The fatal sports are actually meant to result in the deaths of the competing parties.
- Gladii Ars (Sword Fighting)